Taxonomic list T3, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress


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Top level organum Short Extended
Level 2 organum cum cavitam Short Extended
Current level dens Extended
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Taxonomic list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
12516 15921 part
12823 2328 part
dens incisivus T4 28 children
incisive tooth
55636 2329 part
dens caninus T4 12 children
canine tooth
55637 2330 part
dens premolaris T4 14 children
premolar tooth
55638 2331 part
dens molaris T4 34 children
molar tooth
75152 2401 part
dens permanens
permanent tooth
321647 15923 part
dens permanens inferior ; dens permanens mandibularis
inferior permanent tooth ; mandibular permanent tooth
321646 15922 part
dens permanens superior ; dens permanens maxillaris
superior permanent tooth ; maxillary permanent tooth
75151 2400 part
dens deciduus
deciduous tooth ; primary tooth; temporary tooth
15925 part
dens deciduus inferior ; dens deciduus mandibularis
inferior deciduous tooth ; mandibular deciduous tooth
15924 part
dens deciduus superior ; dens deciduus maxillaris
superior deciduous tooth ; maxillary deciduous tooth
11 items
Scientific notes
Type of list T3
List Unit Identifier 15921
Sublist 1 2328 dens incisivus 28/13 on 11.6.2024
Sublist 2 2329 dens caninus 12/5 on 11.6.2024
Sublist 3 2330 dens premolaris 14/7 on 11.6.2024
Sublist 4 2331 dens molaris 34/15 on 11.6.2024
Subtotals subchildren 88 subunits 40
Proper children 10
Number of children 98 (validated)
Proper units 7
Number of units 47 (validated)
Signature 3789 (validated since 31.12.2024)
Date: 31.12.2024